Create your IKEA Family club account to earn points, save with discounts, and enjoy a few surprises all year round. It's quick, easy, and free. Learn more
First name
{{ form.firstName.errorMsg[0] }}Last name
{{ form.lastName.errorMsg[0] }}Date of Birth
You must be 21 years and up to join IKEA Family. Your date of birth is required to ensure the minimum age requirement and administer birthday rewards.
{{ form.gender.errorMsg[0] }}Create password
Your password must contain a minimum of 8 characters with at least 1 alphabet and / or 1 numeric character.
Confirm password
Your password must contain a minimum of 8 characters with at least 1 alphabet and / or 1 numeric character.
{{ form.province.errorMsg[0] }}City
{{ form.city.errorMsg[0] }}Barangay
{{ form.barangay.errorMsg[0] }}Zip Code
{{ form.zipCode.errorMsg[0] }}My Life at Home
Your choices below helps us create relevant offers and campaigns for you.
You are free to select which information you are happy to share.
Type of housing
{{ form.typeOfHousing.errorMsg[0] }}Please Specify
{{ form.otherTypeOfHousing.errorMsg[0] }}Living Situation
{{ form.livingSituation.errorMsg[0] }}Please Specify
{{ form.otherLivingSituation.errorMsg[0] }}Youngest Child Birthyear (Optional)
I understand that my Personal Data may be used for marketing purposes and hereby consent to receive marketing and other communications by:
Please check all that apply
I consent to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of my personal data by Ikano (Philippines) Inc. to sign-up for IKEA Family membership.
I have read and understood Ikano (Philippines) Inc.'s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Enter your mobile number to activate your IKEA Family membership.
Mobile number
If you did not receive your One-Time-Password (OTP) after 3 minutes, please click on Send activation code to try again.
An OTP has been sent to your mobile
{{ cdMinute }} : {{ displaySecond }}
An OTP has been sent to your mobile
{{ cdMinute }} : {{ displaySecond }}